Thanks to Maroon 5, I’ve got new inspiration to revamp my old blog.

jug·gler: one skilled in keeping several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them

Sounds like me! Except that “skilled” does not perfectly describe me. Guess I’m a bit schooled but I’m way far from being skilled.

So here’s what I’ve got to juggle: kids, family, school, work, friends, and what have you.

Ugh! Life is a lot of challenge but it’s got to be funny, and lovely. So when day’s rough and difficult, THINK OF ME and what I have to juggle — should cheer you up!

But NO! My life’s not extraordinary, literally or figuratively. It’s not one of a kind, amusing, or anything you’d wow to… Just a bit off normal for most people.

So what can you expect? Just find your way in the mess called ‘my life’ and hope you’ll stumble upon a cute thought or two.

Just a short disclosure: I advocate women empowerment but that doesn’t make me a feminist (whatever that means).