I spent most of my semestral break baby-sitting. Sem-break’s officially over since last week and I’m starting to feel the stress and tension of law school.

But before I drown myself in books and more readings (which, by the way, currently stand at 300 pages right now for one subject alone), I’d like to remind myself of a few things that I wish I CAN accomplish–though not so soon, but hopefully before any of these become inappropriate for my age.

1. Write my own book.

2. Have my own clothing line.

3. Create a fashion blog.

4. Record my own music album.

5. Complete a culinary course.

6. Build a pizza-pasta business.

7. Be an marketing expert.

8. Manage a stock portfolio.

9. Be a real estate investor.

10. Send some unfortunate kids to school.

11. Make more covers on YouTube.

This is as far as I can remember.

Will add more to this list when a few things pop up!

How about you? Anything you’ve always wanted to do?