Category: Everyday

My Ultimate To-Do List

I spent most of my semestral break baby-sitting. Sem-break’s officially over since last week and I’m starting to feel the stress and tension of law school.

But before I drown myself in books and more readings (which, by the way, currently stand at 300 pages right now for one subject alone), I’d like to remind myself of a few things that I wish I CAN accomplish–though not so soon, but hopefully before any of these become inappropriate for my age.

1. Write my own book.

2. Have my own clothing line.

3. Create a fashion blog.

4. Record my own music album.

5. Complete a culinary course.

6. Build a pizza-pasta business.

7. Be an marketing expert.

8. Manage a stock portfolio.

9. Be a real estate investor.

10. Send some unfortunate kids to school.

11. Make more covers on YouTube.

This is as far as I can remember.

Will add more to this list when a few things pop up!

How about you? Anything you’ve always wanted to do?

Girls’ Day Out

Here’s a thought: In the middle of our busy schedule, we always find time for things that interest us or make us happy. So here’s mine…

I’ve been wanting to share how I spend my weekends with the kiddos at the expense of my work and school (and a full bath!). We always go out–to the mall or to some nearby park (Nuvali is a favorite). And when we’re within the confines of our humble home, I take care of them–from helping them take a shower to cooking and putting them to bed.

This weekend is a bit special. Although technically not a weekend, the finals week has been giving me some days off. The final exams for one of my electives was scheduled in advanced while the other required a final paper–which meant that I didn’t have to take them as scheduled.

So enough of the backgrounder. The kids love to go out and they’d appreciate anything not home. So here’s a sneak peak to two of our days out.

FIRST is one of our usual weekends–malling.

What came out of our short visit to the mall.

Next up was our FRIDAY swimming.

Here’s Gabby whom we fondly call with a host of other names like By-kae-kae, Abbykae, Tintin, Baten, Omwoi, Gubai, and Bambam–depends on who’s calling her.

Gabrielle having so much fun!

Presenting the finalists for 2012 Bikini Open!

“Ang mga Ate. Bow.”



In other news, I’m not in any of these pics. That’s what happens when you’re the photographer.

More photos!

I have so many stories to share and these pics only tell a few of them. I need to put baby to sleep now so those stories are reserved for next time. But before I end this post, let me leave you with a swagger…

Smiling gangnam style!




Add to Cart

“Add to Cart” is an icon you find in most e-commerce websites.

“Add to Cart” is what we do when we go grocery shopping. Why? Because we always have something–err someone–err two babies on the cart. Here’s some pieces of evidence of what we did during the long weekend.

Gibby, in spite of her tender age, has managed to make a friend, Mickey.

And guess what, looks like we almost don’t have anything else on the cart…

Fine. “Grocery” is just an excuse to take the babies out.


I’m developing this habit of wanting music to put me to sleep. My insomnia isn’t getting better and too much reading makes it all worse. I have nightmares sometimes. So I had to distract my own brain from unnecessary analyzing to passive listening. =c

Being a second-time mom doesn’t make it less exciting. You get to be as proud for every milestone… And I guess that goes for every mother for each of her child. Having previous experience doesn’t make one an expert — only makes you stronger and more confident.


Making the most of the summer vacation, we take her out as often as we can. It's funny how she tries so hard not to sleep -- she loves the change of scenery.

When you become a parent, you become more vulnerable.

You fear not only for yourself — but more for your child. And that leaves you always anxious and worried, especially when you’re away from your child. But as time goes by, you become stronger… trusting that Someone out there will take care of everything.

Being a parent does not only mean challenges. As a parent, you will get to experience the best of emotions — love, joy, and happiness. You get to find sense in every little thing there is and feel very proud of small changes.

Gabby began to speak her first word when she was three months old — making her best efforts to make a sound that doesn’t make sense even to herself. Three months after that, I think she’s starting to say something that makes sense to her.

She’s probably been saying it for a long time but not too clearly… And that I just started to notice

just recently. Yes, she knows now how to say Mama, Mammy, and Mimi — in random order. When she’s not too hurt and is probably just calling my attention, she blurts out Mammy and Mama. And when she’s a bit alarmed or hurt (like her sleep disturbed), she wails “Mimi”. Oh yeah when she’s totally angry she calls out “Wah” like Sen. Miriam — although not in a similar manner.

So that makes me a very proud mother. She calls my name, looking at me, with her hands almost like reaching. And the joy is too overwhelming it almost breaks my heart.


"Taking pics of me again?" Gabby at 6 months!


SWEET TOOTH. Chocolates and mallows are sweet -- and so is Gabby.



Most people observe how observant she is — staring at things like she understands them. She watches the impeachment trial too and perhaps she can’t wait for Congress’ session to resume. And whenever she sees good food, she tries to express her excitement by making that “aye” look and doing some kicking motions.


I know, I know! Sweets like these are not good for the baby. But we only allow her to taste and not feed.


VOILA! Here's how she looks after a short bout with the chocolate and sugar-coated mallows!





You know that look? That’s DISAPPOINTMENT. “Please give me more…”

The kids and I had great fun today…


Yes, that’s a girl who looks just like a good looking boy! We call her Gabby, though my mom fondly calls her Chun Chin!


And because her ate refused to fix our bed, she ended up being in the clothes bin! She looked wonderful, didn’t she? And one more…


Being a good girl that she is, she didn’t put up a fight with me for putting her into such “compromising” position. Lol.

Paula had great fun too! But no photo ops as of today. She’s kinda allergic to shower so she’s better off cam.

Til next time!

Valentines, It Is!

If you think I’ve got plans for Valentines, you’re wrong. Though technically I DO have plans.

Will wake up in 2 hours, go jogging, read up on a few scra, go early for school and pick up a few reading materials.

So where’s the love?

‘Love yourself’ is cliche. Who would even argue.

But love yourself, it is. Don’t get hung up on too many responsibilities — they’ll eat you. Relax, think through and you’ll be fine. Find your direction amidst the ocean of tasks, and find your way to your self. Don’t stress too much, exercise, and be as beautiful as you can be. Be wonderful and good to your own self — you owe yourself just that.

That’s me talking to myself!

Happy V, everyone!