Archive for November, 2012


Halloween is supposed to be scary–but that’s not quite what we’ve experienced just recently.

Paula and Gabby dressed up for the event. Since it was sem break, I had the time to plan and create their costumes. Unfortunately for me, the kids were not so prepared. Yes, they were excited (I supposed Gabby was, despite of her inability to express such yet) but Paula got scared of the setup (the design, music and all) while Gabby was more inclined to sleep than to have fun at the hour. But it all came to a conclusion and it ended well.

Here are some photos from the event (c/o Kae)……

Gabrielle joins the animal print bandwagon with her snow leopard outfit.

Sleepy head.


After-party. The real fun begins with play, play, and play.

Paula wasn’t the big sister most people would expect her to be. She cried that day–got too scared of everybody else’s spooky look (and maybe of her own, too). In case you’re wondering how Paula pulled off her own stunt despite her Halloween drama and futile attempts to take off, here’s one memory of her biggest nightmare…


Gloomy day. Paula apparently and insistently wanted to look cute, which explains the frustration, disappointment, and horror in her face.

Admittedly, Halloween is not all fun. We are often reminded that life’s uncertain (not really relevant to this post). It could be shaky, too. And the thought of it is just plain horror. But that gives us more reason to try to find fun and happiness–and make life’s daily horror more acceptable and bearable.

My Ultimate To-Do List

I spent most of my semestral break baby-sitting. Sem-break’s officially over since last week and I’m starting to feel the stress and tension of law school.

But before I drown myself in books and more readings (which, by the way, currently stand at 300 pages right now for one subject alone), I’d like to remind myself of a few things that I wish I CAN accomplish–though not so soon, but hopefully before any of these become inappropriate for my age.

1. Write my own book.

2. Have my own clothing line.

3. Create a fashion blog.

4. Record my own music album.

5. Complete a culinary course.

6. Build a pizza-pasta business.

7. Be an marketing expert.

8. Manage a stock portfolio.

9. Be a real estate investor.

10. Send some unfortunate kids to school.

11. Make more covers on YouTube.

This is as far as I can remember.

Will add more to this list when a few things pop up!

How about you? Anything you’ve always wanted to do?